Your Positive Influence

Introduction…. From my friend Charmaine, I received a personally designed “Woman of Worth” mug with a photo of Dave and me, with a message…

In here are reasons why I believe you are a Woman of Worth.
Please take only one piece of paper every day to read for the next month. xxx”
Woman Of Worth Mug of Love ]

Wow Notebooks 6 colours

Your Positive Influence
in Other’s Lives.

When I wrote the “Woman of Worth” poem, it was as a gift to myself on the eve of my 40th birthday, *Smile* and at the time I never envisioned even sharing the poem with anyone else, never mind having a website titled, “Woman of Worth” …or the challenge the words of the poem would become for even me, at times. *Smile*

I also never expected the response and feedback I’ve received about the poem. It has been humbling and inspiring, and such an incredible blessing that fills my heart with gratitude.

Sometime ago, a friend posted a question on his Facebook page, that said something to the effect, “If you were to die today, how would you want your family and friends to feel?”

There were a number of comments… some light-hearted and jocular… some said they hoped their friends would throw a party in celebratory send-off… some comments were that they hoped their family would provide just a small service and get on with their lives and not mourn their loss too deeply.

I’m not really sure what inspired… or incited my response, and I really wish I had copied what I wrote into my journal… or if I did, that I could remember when and where it was. *Grin*

However, I wrote something to the effect… that I hope when I die, my husband will feel like his heart has broken and that there is this gigantic hole in his life… that my daughter will sob and cry and wonder how she can face even just one day without me, because she misses me so profoundly it hurts… that my sons will feel terribly guilty for not phoning me every day, and wanting to spend more time with me as they strive into adult manhood… and that my friends will mourn my loss with deep regret, knowing that our friendship has made a difference to their lives. That people I have never met will take a moment to be grateful for my writing and that I have touched their hearts with my words… and inspired them in some small way.

Arrogant… sure.

Supercilious… probably!

But if my husband doesn’t mourn deeply at my passing, what would be the point of the most important relationship that I have with another human being… if my children aren’t profoundly affected by my death… then I haven’t been the mother I should be, as they are my greatest achievement and ultimate blessings!

And what’s the point of life, if we aren’t inspiring others with our friendship, touching their hearts and making a difference?

In my defence, there was more to my comment. *Grin*

When my family and friends have mourned my loss… in their own time and in their own way, I want them to remember me with love, and know without doubt how much I love them… and how much I love life… and that my relationship with them, will inspire them to live a little more, and love a little deeper.

I can’t measure the positive influence I’ve been in other’s lives… I do hope I have made a difference to those I love and who love me… and that what I write… and what I do makes a positive difference.

In a small way, I want to acknowledge those who have recently inspired me and touched my heart, by gifting them with a Wow Notebook.

Please read my DedicationWomen’s Day 2015 to find out more about why I’m giving away 27 Wow Notebooks! *Smile*


27 Wow Notebooks to Giveaway

I’m celebrating Women’s Day on the 9th August 2015, by giving away 27 Wow Notebooks between now and then. I’ll choose someone to give a Wow Notebook, in two different ways.

First. I’ll be giving to women who have inspired me and touched my heart.

Second, I’ll be choosing someone that you have suggested through your acknowledgement in the comments below or on our Kaleidoscopes Facebook page.

  1. Step One, leave a comment with the first name of the women you want to receive a Wow Notebook and why.
  2. Step Two, ensure that your email address is valid so we can contact you. Your email address will not be published, and will always remain confidential.
  3. Step Three, please ensure that you have liked our Kaleidoscopes Facebook page.

The Wow Notebooks cost R50.00 each excluding postage, so please read the Woman of Worth poem which is included in the notebook and email to order.

Be happy… be grateful… be inspired… be awesome… be love.

Please like our Women of Worth Facebook page, thanks! 🙂

Below is a list of the Women as we give them
Wow Notebooks. *Smile*

  • Rainy Sea Blue Monday ~ Laurette
    (I gave Laurette a Wow Notebook for herself, and five more to
    give-away… you’ll understand why when you read “Rainy Sea Blue Monday”. 🙂 )
  • Not Just Another Hair Day ~ Claire
  • Superwoman in Ordinary Clothes ~ Chrystal
  • Missionary in Africa ~ Dorothy
  • My oldest follower and greatest fan ~ Bev, and one for her sister Corinne, and one for her mom.
  • 10 Wow Notebooks to Special Friends when I went to Gauteng for a short visit… Iris, Karen, Wilhelmina, Jean, Rene and Elizabeth… (Some I gave two 🙂 )
  • A friend who treated me to the most delicious smoothie, *Smile*
    ~ Catherina
  • A Lifesaver in Coega ~ llewellyn (for his wife)

Total  = 24 Wow Notebooks given away!

Still to send….

  • A mom of six, lovingly nominated by her daughter ~ Taryn & Trish
  • icandance ~ Juliet


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