Our 27th Wedding Anniversary!

Today is our 27th wedding anniversary, and it’s the first time that we have been home together as a family in three years. *Smile*

We have so much to be grateful for and to celebrate.

After three years, Jess is recovering from her challenging illness… an exhausting, debilitating, often frustrating rollercoaster ride of lows and even lower lows with side-affects and unexpected ailments… with only a distant hope of a full recovery. After her third relapse just a few months ago, Jess is finally stabilising again, and I believe this time she’ll win and overcome the “firestorm” that has raged in her body… and whilst Jess doesn’t want to ‘talk’ about Graves Disease anymore… I am so proud of her continued endurance and courage and determination, to not just exist and survive and endure from day to day… but to live, to be happy and to strive to reach her goals.

After three years of working, being an apprentice, college study and tests, Jordy has received his Electrical Trade Certificate and is now a qualified Electrician. *Grin* And he started a new job today… I don’t believe I have ever seen someone as happy as he was to get up at 5:00am and go to work. *Smile*

After three years away from family and friends and achieving incredible success in the City of Gold, with lots of interesting life experiences, Wes has returned home to try something new and bravely do something different with his life, even though he misses his girlfriend every moment of every day. …And my almost empty nest is now filled to overflowing once more. *LOL*

I’m so grateful for strong, healthy sons, and a very brave, incredible daughter who inspire me every day.

You have taught me to forgive …unreservedly.
You have taught me to accept …wholeheartedly.
You have taught me to love …unconditionally.

You have taught me what it means to cry when I am happy, and laugh when my heart is breaking into a million pieces and it feels like it will never go back together. You have taught me that there is always light at the end of the tunnel and what it means to have hope in a new day… and to never give-up.

To always believe in myself, because you do. To always believe in you, because often you can’t and you need me to… And to always stand up for what I believe.

That God always loves us and family comes first.

The last three years have not been easy, in unexpected ways… and I just couldn’t imagine even trying to face them without Dave at my side… sometimes carrying me… and even pushing me forward. Dave has been my best friend for so long, I can’t remember what it was like not to have him in my life… or to not be married to him.

I know I have done things… because I am married to you.
(Mostly good. *Grin*)

I know I have tried things, I never would have without your encouragement and because I am married to you.

I know I have finally developed a sense of humour, even though no one else seems to understand it, and… even though I don’t find the same things funny as you do. *Grin*

I know I have finally figured out your incredible perspective on life… and your continuous optimism, and I wish I had learnt these life lessons sooner, I am however, grateful I finally get it. *LOL

Thank-you for sharing my life and being present in my heart every moment of every day.

Dave, you are the love of my life, and although we seldom celebrate our anniversaries as we often forget the date and day, *Smile* as you have always emphatically believed that our life together needs to be shared and celebrated every day… Thank-you for loving me always and all ways, quietly sharing the sunrises and celebrating the sunsets, and the ordinary moments made special because we are together… and for the exceptional times when life simply takes our breathe away, giving us an extraordinary treasure.

I loved you yesterday, and although it’s impossible for me to believe, I love you even more today… I love you always… I always have and I always will.


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