Love Letter Challenge *Grin*


Love Letter to Myself! 

A few years ago on Valentine’s Day, I was challenged to write a *Letter to Myself* …I finally did a couple of years ago, and I’ve included what I wrote below… and I’m challenging all of you to do the same. *Smile*

I love writing letters… well emails… long, newsy, personal intimate emails to my friends and family. *Smile* It’s a bit different trying to write to yourself… exploring your own personal inner relationship. *Grin* When I eventually did sit down and write to myself without stopping to pause, or reflect on what I was writing or even read what I’d written… it was a surprise to actually read what I wrote a few days later. *Smile*

However, I know that if you don’t have an incentive… you may not ever get to do it, because I know how long it took me… so I’m adding a competition ~ giveaway to the challenge. *Smile*

R500.00 cash to do with as you please! *Grin*
(Please see details below)

Love… Letter to Myself! 

by Mands

Decide that what you are doing is fun, know that you are loved, and that there are a 1000 things that went right today, that life in its diversity… complexity… and simplicity is always worth living… and you will realise without doubt even if in just this moment that the best is yet to come.

Realise that the answers you seek… like a butterfly you chase will always allude you… until that moment when your mind finds peace and pure contentment enters your heart… then like a butterfly that comes to rest, the truth will reveal itself gently from within, guided by a Higher Power.

Enlightenment that takes your breath away!

Realise that the lessons that are the most challenging and caused the most frustrations, brought the greatest triumph when success was achieved… that the deepest sorrows in the moment delved to your innermost strength and courage, that you had no perception you had… and that in time the dichotomy of life will ultimately teach you that same heartache… is also the reason for your joy.

Realise it’s what you give… that makes you beautiful… It’s how you live that makes your dreams come true. It’s in the chaos of the storms of circumstance, or the utter stillness of serenity… It’s the light of truth from within that shines through that makes you attract the lessons of experience, maturing grace that brings wisdom…

Realise that self-discipline and too much focused determination, can inhibit the playful need of the imagination to just be… especially whilst in the process of creative muse. That busy…ness, doesn’t always ensure productivity and sometimes one just needs to be still… so that the spark of inspiration can grow… take hold, encourage, stimulate and then reveal itself into form.

Realise that even when you want things to be a certain way, we always need the support of those we love… and usually the help of others… and whilst perfection is something we continually strive towards… often we should settle for a measure of excellence and the greater aspiration of better relationships.

Know that you are significant, that what you do is important… and that what you say has magnitude.

That your thoughts often create the ideas that manifest into reality the beliefs you know to be true. That words in thought, talk or verse… no matter how much you deride or love them, have influence to enthuse and power to touch… mind and heart…

Yours… and others!

Realise that each drop of rain has purpose… each tiny bird is important… and the ebb and flow of the tides mark the changing seasons of life. That there is natural progression in the day to day routines when advancing on a steady course… have faith in each righteous step taken no matter how small… remain hopeful through the challenging times, and acknowledge joyfully each blessing of nature… knowing that you are a part of that circle of life…

Soak up the sunlight… delight in the rain… capture the dewdrops between your toes while chasing butterflies in the morning light… take time for a siesta at noonday, and allow the sunset to capture your breath… watch the moonrise and count the stars as they light the night sky one at a time.

Laugh out loud… often. Love deeply. Care wisely with discernment. Let special moments take your breath away, and realise that love is always in season… no matter the time of year and that…

Somebody always loves you!

2010 ~ 2017 © Mandy Swinburne

Woman of Worth Love Letter Challenge

Love Letter to Myself! 

  1. FIRST prize R500.00 cash

Please Note:

  • All entries must be in English and use appropriate English language, and any swearing or blasphemy will not be accepted.
  • All entries must fulfill the criteria of “Love Letter to Myself!”
  • All entries must be your original writing, and include your full name and full contact details, with birth date.
  • Winners will need to provide ID and bank account details, and proper contact and postal details for prizes.
  • Final entries that are chosen, will be published on the website for voting and comment, and your first name and town of residence will be published with your entry, however all other personal details will remain confidential, and even the judges will not know who each of the entries belongs to.
  • You must be a woman 18 years or older, residing in South Africa.
  • Entries must be received by the 29th April 2017, and links for published entries will be provided for voting.
  • Voting will close on Monday, 29th May 2017 and prizes allocated within ten working days.
  • All entries must be emailed to with the subject “Love Letter Challenge”.


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