Awake at Dawn

Gorgeous Sunrise

This hasn’t been an easy week… and I may just have to evaluate my standard of what I perceive as challenging and difficult… and the opposite. *Grin*

My husband’s payday used to be a happy occurrence, and I really would like it to become that again. Unfortunately like many friends I know… the gap between what our ‘living expenses and debt payments’ are …and income earned, is now unequal in deficit.

I could blame that on a lot of extenuating circumstances and occurrences beyond our control, and really get happily into the blame game, *Smile* however that’s not going to change our current circumstances… and considering the reason for our small hill of debt, even though in very dramatic moments it feels like a mountain we just cannot seem to move, *Smile* …medical expenses, Cambridge home school fees, our son’s unemployment… rising cost in living without an income increase, we are ok with how we have spent our money, and there really aren’t different decisions we could have made during the past two and a half years.

We can count our blessings and be grateful that our daughter Jess, is now recovering… and that I’m enjoying a creative phase, and happy in my work. *Smile* …and we are incredibly grateful for my husband and the job his has, and the income he earns.

I woke up on Thursday morning, knowing that the elastic band I have been stretching across our unbalanced budget, was going to break… and feeling very overwhelmed, when I looked out the window and watched the most amazing sunrise… and remembered these inspiring words.

“With faith in our Heavenly Father, we can have hope for the future, optimism in our present tasks, and inner peace.”

Each moment as I have strived to focus on having faith, being grateful for my blessings and enjoy what I was doing… I have felt peace and hope that my dreams will come true… probably not today or tomorrow… but soon enough. *Grin*

Our camera needs to be repaired, but we took these photos of the sunrise with Jess’ iPad. *Grin* I love living above the clouds and getting up early enough to enjoy the dawn.

Much love and blessings to you and yours,


IMG_2850 IMG_2853 IMG_2858Thursday, 26th March 2015 5:57am Sunrise


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